
Let us introduce you a new web site of Scarlett company - one of the largest manufacturer of various home appliances and your reliable partner. For more than 15 years Scarlett remains the most favorite brand in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In the last years our company has gained recognition among the consumers in more than thirty European and Asian countries. Scarlett trade mark won a lot of awards and is always at the top in the international ratings.

Scarlett is a well-balanced combination of up-to-date home appliances and true family values. Our products provide comfort, coziness and good mood in millions houses.

Scarlett Products

Butter Dish
Microwave Vertical Bacon Tray
Tomato Knife Sharpener
Onion Knife Sharpener
Silicone Egg Ring
Flexible Cutting Mats - 4pc set
Jar Opener
Folding Trivet